Is Rocketman for Real????????

godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall


Fifty five years ago President John Kennedy went toe-to-toe with Nikita Khrushchev, in a brinkmanship that had the world on edge,  and he was hailed as a hero of the Western world, all this over the USSR placing missiles 70 miles off the Florida coast. There were no threats of annihilation, no threats to actually use the missiles, but Kennedy told the USSR to get them out of there and had the world on edge for 12 days. But the media loved him, he was masterful, a leader.

Now, fifty five years later we have another communist dictator developing hydrogen bombs (most likely in concert with Iran) in deference to the “world governing authorities” . He continues to ramp up his program with threats to use them, and now we have a president who won’t back down telling him to stop or suffer the consequences. But, unlike Kennedy (a democrat?)…

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