Is Rocketman for Real????????

godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall


Fifty five years ago President John Kennedy went toe-to-toe with Nikita Khrushchev, in a brinkmanship that had the world on edge,  and he was hailed as a hero of the Western world, all this over the USSR placing missiles 70 miles off the Florida coast. There were no threats of annihilation, no threats to actually use the missiles, but Kennedy told the USSR to get them out of there and had the world on edge for 12 days. But the media loved him, he was masterful, a leader.

Now, fifty five years later we have another communist dictator developing hydrogen bombs (most likely in concert with Iran) in deference to the “world governing authorities” . He continues to ramp up his program with threats to use them, and now we have a president who won’t back down telling him to stop or suffer the consequences. But, unlike Kennedy (a democrat?)…

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Hitler’s Nazis Never Went Away, They Just Relocated

Wow, I didn’t know that

godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall

My special thanks to Jerry Golden for bringing this to our attention. So, when did this Become this?. Below I?ll have an old video clip that explains some history that we in the states weren?t taught but let?s get some contemporary imagery.  Real life now shows the symbols used by?

Hitler?s Nazis Never Went Away, They Just Relocated was originally published on Bridge to Israel Ministries

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Germany to Allow Palestinian Terrorists to Run for Parliament

And so some feel the Holocaust was a hoax………..looks like it’s making it’s way back….

godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall

So, it begins. Germany has avoided any talk of banning the terrorist group PFLP, aka Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. In fact they will allow it as a political party to field candidates for Parliamentary seats. According the Jerusalem Post “candidates from parties and candidates in Germany cannot be banned or allowed by the Interior Ministry in Germany,”?

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If I Were the Devil

godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall

As I look back I miss some of the people, Paul Harveywho if empowered, could have kept this country great. For now, after their passing, all we can do is revisit and ponder their wisdom and almost prophetic calling. One such man was Paul Harvey. I’d listen with regularity his wit and wisdom and undying admiration for his love, Angel. The following should be almost scary or worse, given he saw this coming and no one knew or cared

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Here We Go, King Obama Has Done Spoke!

godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall

Well, there ya have it. We’ve warned, cajoled, shouted front the house tops and now, out the mouth of the king himself, comes the declaration that the US Constitution is meaningless. Whether Congress goes with him or not he’s going forth with his own agenda and purpose. We presented to you Obama as king in, “Obama, Messiah, King of the Lose” and what the Bible told us about another nation that wanted to turn from the sovereignty of God to a earthly king, “like all the other nations…” 

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RFID and other reports

godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall


I was at church yesterday at an after church feed (well, ya have to feed the flock doncha know) and talk headed toward RFID implants and I was told that involuntary actions were already taking place as an experiment in Wyoming. I found this pretty alarming. My darling wife, who assists God in keeping me grounded ( a task that even God needs help on occasion) checked Snopes and said it was false, but added, “where there’s smoke there’s fire.”. I concurred given that we are in chipWisconsin and the former Governor that tried to be senator was on the board of Applied Digital Solutions (makers of VeriChip technology)so we have a little insight into the direction things are going.

While checking out the story on my own,

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Welcome to the church of ungod

godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall

Well it’s coming, and come. The church of ungod. un-crossYesterday was an advent, a coming out party for the atheists who actually coveted what, at minimum, the pseudo christians had, and created their own church. I’d mentioned years ago, when I lived in the shadow of the FFR (freedom from religion) headquarters, that atheism is just a religion without God. They had their annual meetings with songs and preaching and someone there actually said, “it seems like church”.

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