godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall

Here we go again. Like many others I grieve for the families and friends of those murdered in NewTown, Conn. This was grievous, ugly, horrendous and the pain will go on. newtown But, in the pain, the truth needs to be told. This horrendous scene and the subsequent scenes that followed have NSA written all over them, much like the Colorado movie  shootings. Like the Colorado shootings a second gunman was witnessed, witnesses saw police lead a man in camouflage, handcuffed out of the woods, rifle shell casings were found yet the “gunman” had hand guns and the rifle was found in the car, the part about the second gunman disappeared. The gunman went out of his way to shoot up a school where his mother was not even on staff, and she wasn’t even there. Now I see a video of one of the father’s coached to read a cue…

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